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Gratitude and its impact on Prosperity.

gratitude prosperity Dec 12, 2022
I'm Nectaria Kladitis and I’m a Certified Energy Leadership Coach.
 As a coach, we empower entrepreneurial families to engage their energy and create success.  We strategically help families using our Say NAI to Life method from feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with their current path in life TO unlocking their highest potential and achieving ease, flow, and prosperity in their life and business.
I wanted to express the importance of the concept of gratitude and its impact on prosperity.
Many people are on the constant lookout for ways to make money fast or find things that will get them rich by buying x, y, z. Or maybe what the next new shiny object is that promises them the world.
In reality what they are doing is looking for something on the outside to help them make more money, feel happy, be successful, etc.
What if I told you that everything you need you already possess?
Everything is already inside of you.
All you have to do is listen to it, trust it and feel it.
You can create wealth and anything else you desire with your feelings.
You’re probably thinking: What does that even mean?
It’s simple.
If you enjoy what you have in a positive state, you will draw in more of it.
Enjoy exactly where you are today and be grateful for it.
When we feel these emotions we are blessed with more good things.
Focus on what you have right now. Even if it's just $1 in your bank account.
Appreciate your single dollar, appreciate your health, appreciate your business, your family and I can promise you without a shadow of a doubt that whatever you bless will multiply.
But what people tend to do is focus on the negative and stress themselves out because they feel they don’t have enough.
When this happens you are calling in for more negative things.
Where your attention goes, more energy flows.
I often tell my clients to start with one simple activity:
Start with Gratitude.
Gratitude for what you have in your life NOW.
Bless your bills and be appreciative that you have bills to pay. 
Try this for a month and let me know what you notice.