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How to BE more present in the moment.

being present in the moment Nov 21, 2022
I'm Nectaria Kladitis and I’m a Certified Energy Leadership Coach.
 As a coach, we empower entrepreneurial families to engage their energy and create success.  We strategically help families using our Say NAI to Life method from feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with their current path in life TO unlocking their highest potential and achieving ease, flow, and prosperity in their life and business.
Some established ways that people can be more present in their lives are:
  •  Practice Gratitude:
Gratitude is a feeling. The feeling of appreciation is the antidote for negative emotions. The reason behind this is that when you are deeply grateful for something in your life you can’t feel stressed and hence can be more present in the moment.
  •  Find Awareness.: 
Everyone has blind spots and should seek someone who can help them see past their blind spots. When we find our own blindspots we become AWARE of ourselves and our surroundings. Hence we can be more present in the moment.
  •  Acceptance: When we accept ourselves and situations as they are we can move forward and therefore be more present in the moment.
  •  Practice having an Abundant mindset: practicing a mental state of abundance lets us enjoy the moment and allows us to be present with anything at hand as we feel fulfilled and have released feelings of frustration or overwhelm.
More practical tips:
  • Take deep breaths in order to relax and remove tension and stressors.
  • Practice Meditation
  • Journal every day to brain dump what is on your mind and have a clean slate to be more present in the moment,
  • Move your body to release endomorphs and notice your surroundings.
  • Focus on one activity at a time - No multi-tasking as you cannot be fully present while doing several activities.
When we are present in the moment we are in a high-energy state.
This allows us to be present and not distracted as we are totally present with the experience at hand.
Intuition is usually heightened and you are open to each moment as it occurs.
When the current moment is over you then put all your energy into the next moment.
Hope this helps you, If you have any specific questions that you need answers to, let me know.