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energy leadership powerful self concept self image Nov 07, 2022
I'm Nectaria Kladitis and I’m a Certified Energy Leadership Coach.
 As a coach, we empower entrepreneurial families to engage their energy and create success.  We strategically help families using our Say NAI to Life method from feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with their current path in life TO unlocking their highest potential and achieving ease, flow, and prosperity in their life and business.
This is the phrase that changed my life.
Why you may wonder.
Yes,  my husband and children send me these messages daily.
Messages of love
Messages of appreciation
Messages of encouragement
But it wasn’t until I saw it with my own eyes.
Seeing it with my own eyes and believing it was true.
It started to appear in my outside world -
when my own personal coach told me "you are so powerful"
I was now able to connect the dots
Dots from me with the outer world.
Dots that my reality reflected the world.
It was always there but I wasn’t seeing it.
That’s why it’s so important to have people in your life that can see your blind spots and encourage you.
People need encouragement more than they need advice.
And that’s one of our core values in our movement say NAI to life
Say YES to life and let us connect the dots.