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12: Who are You?

Today’s episode is all about:

Who you are!

👉🏽How are you showing up in life? 

👉🏽 Where are you coming from?


We are so much greater than what we think we are, but many times we tend to forget it

Until we remember exactly what our inner core values are

Once we are clear on Who we are (our core values) we come from exactly that place.

When someone asks you who you are, how do you respond?

Are you your name, are you your body?

What if your name changed or your body changed- would that affect WHO you are?

Tune in and Let me know WHO you are.


Say NAI to Life and prioritize YOU.

Hope you enjoy it! 😍


About the Hosts: I'm Nectaria Kladitis and I’m a Certified Energy Leadership Coach.


Andreas Batakis, a Mindset Coach.

Together We Say NAI to Life. As Entrepreneurs and Coaches, we empower entrepreneurial families to engage their energy and create success.

We strategically help families using our Say NAI to Life method from feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with their current path in life TO unlocking their highest potential and achieving ease, flow, and prosperity in their life and business.

Throughout our years as entrepreneurs, we realized that we all live inside certain levels of consciousness.

These levels are all interconnected and affect your energy levels. Problems arise when we get stuck in catabolic energy levels for a long period of time.

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